We are so thrilled to announce that for the first time those who are unable to attend the event in person are able to register for the 2014 OC Walk to Remember. Virtual Registration allows your baby or babies names to be read at the Walk during the Memorial Ceremony, your baby or babies name will appear on our Memorial Wall and a 2014 10th Annual OC Walk to Remember T-Shirt will be mailed to you- all of this for only $35.00
Please visit the EVENT REGISTRATION page to sign up.
Watch the 2014 OC Walk to Memorial Ceremony LIVE
We are also extremely excited to announce that thank you to this year’s title sponsor, ViaSat Inc., the Memorial Ceremony and slideshow will be available to watch LIVE on our website during the event. The viewing of the event on the site is completely free, available to all who would like to watch. Stay tuned for viewing information closer to the walk.
On 5/14/14, I delivered my sleeping angel Chloe Marie Caron. at our 18 week routine ultrasound appointment Chloe was very ill with hydrops. She had fluid in her stomach and between the skin of her skull. We fought every day following this prognosis to save her life, conducting numerous tests and had multiple procedures. The day after mother’s day, her ultrasound showed that she had worsen. Chloe had 500 ccs of fluid in her stomach, fluid around her heart and lung and she no longer had amniotic fluid…. I love and miss her so much
I have two angles both boys, Mark was born May 1962 @ 6 & 1/2 months @ 1lb 1oz. was too small to live and didn’t have the teck that they have today. Paul was born in August 1964 I was 7 1/2 mons along. He had birth defects with cysts in kidneys. They both only lived a few hrs. It has been many years, but I know I have more to go to heaven for. These were the only sons that I had. I have 3 lovely daughters.